My Birthday Wish List

I’m not sure if I mentioned in my previous posts how much February excites me. Initially, it was my second most favorite month. December holds the highest title due to the most obvious reason: Christmas. In 2015, November stole the second spot because it is Ammara and Marvin’s birth month. Third place goes to October, the month when my life changed forever and I officially became Mrs. Licuanan.

And the fourth spot goes to ***drum roll please*** FEBRUARY! Yay! I am a February baby and known for being crazy. And yes, I’m proud of it.

For decades, I’ve been secretly doing countdowns as early as right after I say hello to the new year! And February 1st holds a special place in my heart as it marks the start of my birth month – the time of the year I am confident that I can get away with anything, become starry eyed for no particular reason, and is allowed to pamper myself and do the things I’ve been wanting to do. Oh February. You make me feel very special.

For my birthday, all I want is peace of mind, safety and good health for my family. Also, I wish to grow old with a head full of ideas, a face looking a decade younger, and a body to die for. LOL. And since these wishes require continuous, long term interventions, I decided to make a list of the things that I can possibly have within February. So help me God.

1. A trip the the Philippine National Museum

I was born and raised in the Philippines and travelled to different places in my mid-twenties but I’ve never been to the Pambansang Museo ng Pilipinas. It is a government institution in the Philippines that features visual arts and anthropological and archeological artifacts. I’d like to bring my family there, especially Ammara, to trigger her love for art and enhance her curiosity of her surroundings. This may look quite complicated for a 14 month old infant but I think there’s nothing wrong about exposing my kid to advanced learning.


2. A trip to Pinto Art Museum

From what I heard, Pinto Art Museum is a rugged, seemingly Mexican architecture that assembles over 300 modern artworks. I’ve been wanting to go there since I can remember but my case is a bit geographically challenging as it’s located in Antipolo City (my hometown), and I currently live in Quezon City. It’s just a few kilometers away but… uhm yeah, I think my fat ass just isn’t trying hard enough.


3. A trip to Calaruega Church


Calaruega Church is said to be very popular for wedding ceremonies due to its romantic and serene ambience. And sometimes, I, too, daydream of a Tagaytay church wedding. And my goodness, just look at the view!


4. Knitting materials


As a kid, I never really paid much attention to knitting as I was more interested in books and getting good grades. Knitting, I thought, was for old maids. How I wish I realized sooner that it’s also for aging women, e.g., ME.


5. Watercolor brush pens


I used to draw, paint, and create artistic stuff back in grade school but I stopped when I devoted my time in Journalism. Maybe it’s about time I try use this skill again, in preparation for Ammara’s art projects when she starts school.


6. Jane Austen Novels


I’ve always been a Jane Austen fan because her old fashioned love stories are so witty and they never fail to ignite sparks of “kiligness” in my veins. I’ve read most of her novels through e-books but I wish to have tangible copies.


7. Something nude, something red and something dark

Lipstick is a necessity. Need I say more?


8. Oven

I rest my case as a cook as I am very terrible at it and luckily, my husband and mother in law prepare appetizing meals for us, which explains the now existing love handles and cellulites huhu. But being a mother, one of my ultimate goals is to learn how to bake cookies and cakes so I could surprise them with mouthwatering goodies.


9. Harry Potter series and Harry Potter and The Cursed Child

I was never a Harry Potter fan because I thought it was overrated, until last year, when I finally decided to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone out of boredom. And my, my, I’ve been glued to it until I finished the last book. I read all of them through e-books but still wish to have physical copies. JKR also released Harry Potter and the Cursed Child last year I think, and I just can’t wait to have copies of them too.


10. Calligraphy Pens


I think I mentioned in my first post that I wish to step up my game in calligraphy and in order to do that, I need these!


11. A new phone


Since Ammara throws my phone every time she has the chance to do so, some features are no longer working properly. That’s so sad because I’ve only had it for less than two years. Anyway, that’s fine. I can feel that someone’s going to give me a new one this month or maybe on March. Ehem. Ehem. Thank you, sponsor!


12. Neil Gaiman books

Some friends dear to my heart gave me Neil Gaiman books two or three years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since. His novels are very different from the ones I got used to reading (e.g., Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham, etc.) but I found myself loving his works. His stories have numerous twists and turns and you will never, ever, ever guess how the each story ends. Above are the books that I do not have yet.


13. Silk Scarf/ Shawl

My grandma has a lot of silk scarves in her closet but I never really appreciated it that much until an aunt gave one to me as a Christmas gift. Could it be because I finally understand how classy these are? Or is it because I’m getting old and my fashion tastes are changing? Uh-oh.


14. Fabrics

I seriously wanna learn how to sew especially now that I finally have an electric sewing machine. The only things I need now are the skill, patterns and some wonderful fabrics! I am so excited!


15. Baby #2


The moment Ammara was born, Marvin and I were the happiest people on earth. Having a child gave our lives a new meaning and a better perspective. A little human came into our lives to make us a family. A year after, she turned to this pretty, witty and smart little girl. She is so adorable and I can’t get enough of her. Uhm, do you think it’s time to give her a little sister or a brother?




Krissy ♥

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